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Sight Reading with Pete Roth

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


This course is specifically designed for the contemporary Guitarist with good instrument knowledge but want to better their sight reading skills. The course focuses on contextual rhythm and melody reading as well as chord/harmony reading with professional charts. Starting 12.07.2021 (every Monday) Session duration: 6x30min Access: Anytime/Anywhere (through our Library) Livestream time: 10-10.30am with Live chat Session breakdown: Diatonic Reading techniques, gaining speed and reading larger phrases recognising harmonic and melodic structures. Rhythm Reading, reading 2 beat and 4 beat patterns, instantly recognising patterns. Real World Chart Reading, understanding road mapping, dynamic instructions and technique instructions. Reading with Accidentals and using position changes Advanced Rhythm Reading, syncopated rhythms, triplets, securely changing between rhythmic subdivisions. Intervallic Reading and Reading Two Voices at the same time. This is a great opportunity for the serious student of the guitar to clear some of the mist that has been holding you back from being the player you really want to be.




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